Sunday, 14 November 2021

Character Voices

In honour of International Dorothy Dunnett Day, please enjoy this wonderful interview with David Monteath, the narrator of the Lymond Chronicles audiobook.


The full interview might only be for the truly dedicated, but fellow Dunnett fans should skip to 27:10 to hear Monteath demonstrate the contrasting voices of the hero Frances Crawford and his adversary Graham Reid Malett; if you are new to the books, skip to 37:35 to hear readings from the first and last books in the series, Game of Kings and Checkmate.

I also recommend a 1982 interview that Dunnett did on the Radio Four programme Desert Island Disks--she had fabulous taste in classical music, and a delightful way of speaking about her work. (If you are not in the UK, and the above link does not work typing 'Dorothy Dunnett' into Apple Podcasts, should bring up the recording). 

To absent friends. Enjoy!

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