Monday 19 August 2024

A Diptych on the Creation of Man

A Question

A voice said, Look me in the stars 
And tell me truly, men of earth, 
If all the soul-and-body scars
Were not too much to pay for birth.

~ Robert Frost. Text from

Imagines mortis the dance of death 0102 The creation of Eve The fall of man PK-P-127.375 - recto


Unreachable father, when we were first
exiled from heaven, you made
a replica, a place in one sense
different from heaven, being
designed to teach a lesson: otherwise
the same--beauty on either side, beauty
without alternative--Except
we didn't know what was the lesson. Left alone,
we exhausted each other. Years
of darkness followed; we took turns 
working in the garden, the first tears
filling our eyes as earth 
misted with petals, some
dark red, some flesh colored--
We never thought of you
whom we were learning to worship.
We merely knew it wasn't human nature to love
only what returns love.

~ Louise Glück, The Wild Iris (London: Carcanet, 1992), p 3

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