An unexpected silver lining of my pandemic has been attending talks and events on a huge range of subjects--from teaching webinars, to medieval studies and manuscript talks, to late antique, late Roman, and early medieval online seminars. In case it is useful or of interest to anyone else, in what follows I've curated a list of talks and events I have attended or plan to attend. I've also included a handful of links to asynchronous content--recordings or self-guided workshops--that are of interest to me as a teacher and scholar.
The social aspect of seminars and talks simply can't be replicated in an online space, but I for one have been exceptionally grateful for the move online. Under normal circumstances, the only way I could attend an event in London or Oxford or Princeton would be if I were a) speaking there and b) able to take time off work. Being able to tune in from the comfort of my own couch has been AMAZING. I hope that online workshops, seminars, and events will continue to be a part of the academic landscape for many years to come.
This is definitely not a comprehensive list and there are surely many important and interesting events missing. If you'd like to copy, edit, or add to this list, the link to do so can be found here.