Thursday, 27 November 2014

Calm Before the Storm

Greetings earthlings.

Once again, it's Thanksgiving. Once again, it's time for friends and feasting.

This year's menu is:

spiced nuts

Turkey (dry-brined this year, so we'll see how that goes)
Roasted Vegetables (beets, Brussels sprouts*, carrots, onions, garlic)
Stuffing the way my family makes it, so I have Bell's Seasoning
Cranberry Sauce
Mashed Potatoes
Cabbage with Lemon, Garlic, and Dried Cranberries

Dinner Rolls

Apple Pie
Chocolate-Pecan-Bourbon Pie (whipped cream will be on hand for these)

I'm writing this the night before, when the turkey sits in the fridge, the bread awaits baking, most of the vegetables are chopped, the nuts are roasted, the pie crusts prepared. I am still convincing myself that I will have time to mark a few essays while things cook, and knowing full well I will find reasons to avoid it. (Reasons means dishes.)

Thanksgiving is one of the things I miss most about New England. I enjoy sharing it here.

*roasting Brussels sprouts is the One True Way to eat them